Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2

This is the sleepwalking scene where Lady Macbeth believes that there is bloodstains on her hands. The sounds played throughout this scene is played by the orchestra which makes this scene very dramatic as if she is frighten with guilt just by looking at her hand. In the beginning of the scene Lady Macbeth starts with a candle lit which can mean truth, love, and faith. The truth is where she writes on the wall with red lipstick to symbolize passion and perhaps anger. In her drawing she has a man with a crown which symbolizes the love for her husband. In the end of the scene she dims the candle which symbolizes her faith. As Lady Macbeth dims the candle light it means that she has already chosen her path in life because she had brought shame upon herself. In this video where Lady Macbeth draws the king she smudges the other person next to him and rubs the red lipstick on herself. This is also very symbolic because this is Banquo's blood wiped on her white dress. White is a color that symbolizes innocence and purity that the guilt of blood has already taken over. Lady Macbeth was sleepwalking while doing this because her unconsciousness fears the guilt that had told her husband to act upon a sin.

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