Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Entry 2.2: Wanderer
About This Picture
Chobits is a Japanese animation about a personal computer(persocom) named Chi. Chi is different from other persocoms because she tries to find love. Her previous master has left her abandonned in the streets which allows a young college student to pick her up and restart her system. By then her memory from her previous life is erased, which means she has to relearn daily activites. Due to the fact that her memory has been whipped out she thinks of herself as a human. Her loneliness during the days makes her find an interest in this book called A City with No People which reconnects herself to her past sister Freya. Freya talks to Chi about finding the one for her and her past life. Since she is a custom made android Chi's powerful will turns her her master Hideki for love for which is the reason she was searching for when she came to this world.

Why Am I categorized as a Wanderer?
I think of myself as a wanderer because when I was little my parents had to manage two restaurants on their own. Growing up was difficult because I only had the guidance of my two brothers. Just like Chi I wore mostly clothes for boys. I am different from other girls because I do not get along with them, as I was growing up my two brothers, they basically taught me how to act like a town boy. Now when i meet people all I talk about are video games and cars. To many girls, they will find me boring and weird. I can relate to Chi's book A City with No People because as she is reading it in the animation it seems that the rabbit does not fit in when he sees family members all hugging one another. As I look at my first cousins I always see them hugging their parents but in my family none of us show affection towards one another. Sometimes I feel like the rabbit in the book A City with No People


  1. i love the story about chi, and would love to see this animation! do u have a copy i could borrow? ^_^
    i also grew up with two brothers, and being the baby of the family, did not get too much attention from the parents, struggling to provide for 3 kids:) most of my friends are guys, and i like to talk to them about techno music lol unfortunately my brothers never let me touch their play station, maybe u could teach me how to play video games?

  2. very interesting Archetype character...

  3. i don't think you are weird at all because i have similar hobbies with

  4. Hey Jenn! My archetype is also a wanderer and I really enjoyed to read your blog entry and find out about things I didn't Chi story... I never really liked Japanese story but now since I saw movie "Stripped Away" I found it intresting:)) Good job!!
